Desert Ground Cover
Ice Plant - Rocky Point- This tough, upright variety spreads up to 6 feet wide with 1-inch yellow flowers showing all season long. Highly resistant to heat and wind. Likes full to part sun, good drainage and infrequent water. Perennial, Ground Cover.
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Autumn Glow Grass - Pretty accent grass grows rapidly to 5 x 5 feet; has light yellow plumes summer through fall. Full sun, amended well-drained soil, deep infrequent water when established. Goes dormant in severe winters. Shear to ground for rapid recovery next spring. Accent, Perennial.
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Creeping Rosemary - Evergreen shrub or trailing ground over with fragrant leaves widely used as seasoning. Small blue flowers in winter and spring. Takes full sun and poor soil but needs good drainage. Water deeply and infrequently; feed lightly and prune as needed for form and control. Shrub, Evergreen.
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Centennial Broom - Tough, spreading desert ground cover to 3 x 6 feet or more. Great for any dry, sunny location. Any well-drained soil, deep, infrequent water when established. Prune as needed for form and control. Ground cover, Evergreen.
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Thompson Baccharis - Tough, spreading desert ground cover to 3 x 6 feet or more. Great for any dry, sunny location. Any well-drained soil, deep, infrequent water when established. Prune as needed for form and control. Ground Cover, Evergreen.
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Carpet Roses-Patented shrub rose to 3 x 4 feet produces masses of flawless flowers (many colors available) all season. A top quality landscape accent! Give it full sun, good, well-drained garden soil and regular water. Fertilize every 6 weeks and prune to shape as needed. Semi-evergreen, Shrub.
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Bush Morning Glory - Attractive mounding shrub to 2 x 3 feet or more with large, white morning glory flowers spring and summer. Super desert plant! Full sun, amended, well-drained soil; deep, infrequent water when established. Feed lightly in spring. Prune as needed to clean and form. Shrub, Evergreen.
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Mexican Primrose - Tough, perennial trailing plant periodically covered with pink flowers. Good for containers. Spreads rapidly underground; plant only in beds where it can be confined. Full sun, any soil, deep, infrequent water. Give light feeding and regular pruning to improve flower production. Ground Cover, Perennial.
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