Plant Gallery | St. George, Utah


English Ivy

English Ivy - Tough, multi-purpose ivy climbs on walls, fences and trellises. Good for small spaces. Protect from reflected afternoon sun. Plant with amended soil; give regular water. Feed with tree, shrub and vine food in spring and summer. Vine, Evergreen.
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Halls Honeysuckle

Hall’s Honeysuckle - Vigorous, fast-growing vine with fragrant white and yellow flowers. Used on walls, fences or trellises; good ground cover on slopes. Full sun, any soil. Water deeply and infrequently once established. Clean out and prune heavily in spring. Vine, Semi-evergreen.
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Trumpet Creeper - Orange, Yellow

Trumpet Creeper - Orange,Yellow - Fast growing, deciduous vine has clusters of reddish orange flowers all summer. Great for hot corners, block walls and arbors. Likes full sun, any well-drained soil and deep, infrequent water when established. Fertilize lightly in spring. Vine, Deciduous.
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Virginia Creeper

Virginia Creeper-Cheery self-attaching vine best used on north or east walls or under large trees and shrubs. Good fall color in yellow and orange. Best in morning sun, amended soil, good drainage and regular water. Prune as needed to shape and control. Vine, Deciduous.
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Boston Ivy

Boston Ivy Staked-Self-attaching vine good for post, fence, wall or trellis. Best in morning sun or filtered shad, amended soil, good drainage and regular water. Has brilliantly colored fall foliage. Prune as needed to shape and control. Tough and cold hardy. Fertilize with Dr. Q’s Tree, Shrub & Vine Food. Semi-evergreen, Vine.
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Star Jasmine

Star Jasmine - Popular vine has fragrant, white, star-like flowers in spring. Excellent on trellis, fence, entryway or arbor. Likes morning sun, amended, well-drained garden soil and moderate water. Hardy to 20 degrees. Fertilize with tree, shrub and vine food in March, May and September. Vine, Evergreen.
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Chinese Wisteria

Chinese Wisteria - Large, fast growing vine has violet purple flower clusters in spring. Needs good support. Prune to train into shrub or small tree. Likes sun or shade, any soil with good drainage, and regular water. Feed lightly in early spring; too much retards flower production. Vine, Deciduous.
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Purpleleaf Honeysuckle

Purpleleaf Honeysuckle - Tough, fast-growing variety with purple tinged leaves and purplish red flowers. Good cover for fences, walls or slopes. Full sun, any well-drained soil, deep, infrequent water when established. Prune heavily and clean out in spring.
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Orange Jubilee Honeysuckle

Orange Jubilee Honeysuckle - Sprawling, heat loving shrub or vine has bright orange, tubular blossoms in fall and winter. Good espalier plant, bank cover or barrier hedge. Full to part sun, amended soil, good drainage and deep, infrequent water when established. Protect from severe cold. Shrub/Vine, Semi-evergreen.
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