Lawn Care in St. George, UT

Tired of spending your beautiful days in Southern Utah doing yard work? We can help!
Eagle Creek offers a wide variety of yard care services that are proven to work great in St. George Utah.

Lawns :

  • 1. Mowing - Lawns will be mowed as turf conditions require at the optimum height for the season.
  • 2. Edging - Curbing, walks, driveways and hardscapes will be edged as needed each visit.
  • 3. Trimming - Lawns will be trimmed around areas not accessible by mowers. Our goal is a beautifully manicured yard.

Plants and Trees :

  • 1. Plant Maintenance - Our crew will trim the bushes as needed for the season to keep a shapely form.
  • 2. Tree Service - We use an arborist that is superior to this area for large trees. Well-cared-for trees are attractive and can add considerable value to your property. Hiring a professional arborist is a decision that shouldn't be taken lightly.

Beds and Rock Areas :

  • 1. Beds / Rocks - Our crew will inspect the areas as needs to chemically treat or hand pull the weeds and grasses as needed.

Chemicals and Fertilization :

  • 1. Chemicals and Fertilizer - Our (certified) crew will apply the chemicals as our service agreement requires. We will also watch keep our eyes open to potential problems that may need a chemical treatment.

Before Departure :

  • 1. Blowing and Clean-up - Our crew will blow off leaves, clippings and debris from all entries, walks and driveways. We will haul off and dispose of all clippings and desbris.

The Eagle Creek foreman that is assigned to your project is required to walk the property to make sure it is visually pleasing and clean. We log all work performed on your property for the records. If this service is something that you are interested in just let us know.